How to upcycle your Christmas

Christmas day is just around the corner! Are you ready? Here are a few tutorials to help you save a few bucks, upcycle your holidays, and stay stylish!

festive accents

1. You can never have too many stars

String puffy paper stars or plastic stars to make fun garlands perfect for your Christmas tree or anywhere that could use some visual cheer. Use up those plastic shopping bags and wrapping paper scraps!

2. Skip store-Bought wrapping Paper

Don’t run to the store for wrapping paper. Skip the trip. Save yourself some time and money. Wrap your Christmas presents in the shopping bags they came in.

3. Tie a bow like a pro

Master this technique and your bows will be fast and flawless. The tip comes from a retail veteran who has wrapped countless boxes in the trenches of many Holiday shopping frenzies.

4. paper roses

Even if you’re buried under a mountain of wrapping paper and paper shopping bags, everything can still be coming up rose. Turn all that waste into flower bouquets.

5. leftover wrapping paper

All that festive paper doesn’t have to end up in a landfill. Here are a 26 suggestions to put them back to use.

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