I truly appreciate all the support and votes I got for Inhabitat’s Spring Greening Competition. In the end I got 1472 votes. That’s a lot of people! Alas, I didn’t win, but man was it a great ride! I’ll be back very soon with even more fabulous designs, so stay tuned.
I was inspired by all the incredible talent in the competition. Three other entries really impressed me.
Kai Yeung Yau designed a shirt and skirt that’s both retro and futuristic at the same time. I’ve seen quite a bit of upcycled fashion and more often the clothes exude bag lady or regretsy rather than eco-chic. Kai Yeung Yau VHS tape garments are clever, pushing the material above and beyond the trash fashion garbage heap.Luis Teixeira makes clear plastic clothing hangers look like opulent glass chandeliers. He transforms the utilitarian curves of hangers into elegant sweeping lines and sophisticated volumes.Sarah Turner sandblasts and cuts her medium of choice into joyous lights. Looking at her flowery creations you would would never guess they came from the ubiquitous plastic soda bottle. Her entry garnered 3674 votes to grab the top spot. Diverting soda bottles from landfills and downcycling process, she’s a true upcycling champion designer. Congrats Sarah!