HOW TO Wrap Gifts with Paper Bags

Combining the sturdiness of paper bags with the versatility of plastic bag ribbon results in a distinctive gift-wrapping technique. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to craft a cohesive and attractive package using these everyday materials. This method not only reduces waste but also allows for creative expression through customizable designs and embellishments without spending more money on wrapping supplies.


  • pair of scissors
  • clothes iron
  • 2 sheets of copy or parchment paper
  • paper and plastic shopping bags


  1. Cut two 1″ wide strips from a plastic bag for ribbon.
2. Put a sheet of paper on the table.

3. Take the ends of the two ribbons and overlap them about 1″, and place the ends in the middle of the paper.

4. Cover with the second sheet of paper.

5. Using the rayon or polyester setting, lightly iron the plastic ribbon. This fuses the plastic together. Now you have one long ribbon.

6. Cut open your paper bag. It’s best to cut along or undo the glued seams.

8. Wrap the gift as you would normally.

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